Monday 1 August 2016


The masterpiece of our lives and the lives of others around us consists of more than what meets the eye. We live in a society that idolises image and promotes perfection - so we are prone to believe that as a picture paints a thousand words, so does the image we present. Yet what we don't always realise is that this picture itself is not necessarily reality as a whole.

I've had a few people come up to me and say how it seems like I'm having an amazing, incredible time in London - and whilst that's true - it's also been a battle.

Anxiety is something I can't admit to knowing loads about, what I do know is that anxious thoughts have crept into my mind since moving away from what seems safe, secure and sheltered. It's like a wave of uncertainty sweeps through my whole being and captures my mind. It can be silly things like whether I locked my car but can also escalate at times. It makes my brain go into over-drive about different situations and, in turn, it can feel easier to isolate myself instead of facing what seems like a mountain to climb. It's distracting and frustrating. My trigger was definitely the change involved in moving and becoming an actual 'adult' and being responsible for things?!

Despite this, I know that God is good. Being a Christian doesn't wrap you up in bubble wrap and keep you away from all these things - we still fight a battle, we're just not alone in it. I'm trying to take these thoughts captive and assess them against the truth of the word of God. 

Philippians 4:8-9: 'I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious - the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse...Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.'

I'm thankful that this is an opportunity to develop a resilient mind, to relate to others and to rest in God. I'm thankful that I know He is strong enough for me to admit my challenges. 

We sometimes paint our lives - in conversation or on social media - as creative, beautiful, inspiring and imaginative. Yet, inseparable with living out this kind of life are experiences of resilience, tenacity, discipline and perseverance. 
The lives that we, and people present are a tapestry of moments, challenges and experiences. It's the same as the story behind a masterpiece involving the skill and technique of the masters hand, his patience, perseverance and endurance, the quality and use of specific materials and his gifted and stewarded imagination and creativity.

We cannot reduce people down to the immediate visual of their life - there is more behind someone's story than what it may seem. 

I'll keep you posted.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Jessie,

    Another great and thought provoking blog that I enjoyed reading. I agree your comment "there is more behind someone's story than what it may seem." is very true. I just have a few questions in response to this...

    Why when we show "behind our story" do the story tellers get beat down and brushed of like they are not important?
    Why if we tell "behind our stories" are we labelled like attention seeking or over reactive where as if someone told someone else that they were pushed of a climbing frame and that's how they broke their arm they are not called attention seeking or a liar.
    Also my final question if I know my "Behind my story" needs to be told to someone, as it is affecting my day to day life, (other than teachers) but I haven't got a friend I trust to tell, but I still need advice how and who would I go about telling it?

    Many Thanks for your regular blogs and motivational posts on Instagram.
    Rebecca Gaffney

    .P.S. Thank you for replying to my e-mail xx.
