Monday 2 October 2017

My Wish for Girls

Having head space is a beautiful thing. It allows the mind to ponder what it wishes to ponder. This morning, being the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE GIRL 2017 I felt the urge to write down my wish for this (and the next) generation of girls. As my pondering unraveled, I realised this wish would become a list (and not even an exhaustive one):

  1. That girls can walk down the street without fear of being cat-called
  2. That girls can enjoy a night out without fear of being spiked (or more)
  3. That girls aren't treated differently from boys
  4. That girls aren't restricted by gender stereotypes
  5. That girls aren’t judged on their appearance
  6. That girls have a fair, diverse and positive representation in the media
  7. That girls feel empowered in their contexts
  8. That girls move away from competing
  9. That girls don't feel fear from 'man'
  10. That girls don't feel they have to display their body to gain their worth

You may disagree, you may agree - that's ok. I want to encourage you to ponder your own wish for girls, and whilst you're at it, your one for boys too.

In response, my commitment is to turn these wishes into prayers and to continue the work of Belle to create a positive impact on girls in the 21st century.

My hope is that my upcoming book will champion girls across the nation and turn some of these wishes into a reality. 

Until next time xxx

1 comment:

  1. Jessie,

    I agree with all of these wishes for girls both present and future! My wishes for boys are; - Boys are able to express how they feel and not have to 'man up' all the time
    - Boys to not be pressured to have an 'ideal' body image
    - Boys to express themselves and be interested in what ever hobbies they want and not fear that their hobby or interest is not 'manly' enough
    - Boys to not always have to be the man in a situation and that they can feel comfortable seeking help with what ever they need without the fear of being seen as weak.

    I am really looking forward to your book coming out, Happy writing/editing :D
    Rebecca Gaffney xx
